A General Body meeting was held in the office of the association on 04.05.2008, in which besides some important decisions, the uses, functioning and maintenance of the office building has been finalized as under:
- The building /hall located at F-134, Shaheen Bagh, New Delhi-110025, will be used as office of the association.
- It will be used to hold meetings of the executive body/general body /extra ordinary of the association.
- It may be used to function as a library / book bank.
- It may be used to hold seminars / conferences on issues relating to the welfare of Gada Biradari or religious issues/teachings.
- It may be used to function as coaching institute for the students of Gada Biradari. It may run either in collaboration with the already existing institute or by the association or by the biradari professionals in
this field; as decided by the executive body of the association.
- It may be used for holding medical camps / vaccination / health awareness programmes for the people of Gada Biradari ; organized by the association.
- It may be used for holding Iftar – Party arranged by the association or any individual on payment of using charges as decided by the executive body subject
to the availability of space and with discretion of executive body.
- It may be used to stay for out stationed biradari students only, who want to appear in competitive tests /examinations in Delhi. The stay will be strictly restricted for two days & on dates of such competitive tests/
examinations subject to the availability of space and with the discretion of executive body. Regarding functioning / maintenance of the office/hall, it has been decided as per bye -laws of the association.The
General Secretary is the custodian of all the official documents and properties of the association. Therefore he will maintain and manage all the records, office building and its use with the consent of the
President. He will Propose and make all the arrangements required to organize all the functions and activities with the consent of the President. He will arrange all the connections required in the office by
applying, co-ordination and persuation with the Govt.agencies. He will deal with all other matters required for the proper functioning and maintenance of the office building.